About Us

ABOUT MindSparXs

We, at MindSparXs, offer a very wide range of computer training programs; for the beginners to more enhanced courses categorized under Workshop, Short Duration Certificate Programs and Internship Programs to improve IT skills of students. All courses based on state of the art and industry relevant technologies.

They are meticulously designed and furnished with high quality courseware and study materials. Ample excercise sessions are provided to the students to improve their programming skills. End of course test is conducted to evaluate the performance of the students in their respective courses. Certificates are awarded to all students on completion of the course.

"A well Trained Professional is a Productive Employee"

Training people from all walks of life has been the mission of Ctronics Infotech. MindSparxs, our training division, has been the flag bearer in this arena. To support your business and the Technology ecosystem around it, MindSparXs has directed the trainings along the following lines.

  • 01 PLOT

    PLOT stands for Placement Oriented Training. It is a 3 months comprehensive course covering all state of the art technologies. Each course is very meticulously designed to meet the needs of the current IT industry. Every course has in-depth & extensive training on specific technology

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  • The workshop oriented courses are short duration programs usually completed in 4 to 6 hours. The programs are mostly conducted on the weekends. The courses provide a basic introduction to newer technology domains currently being used by the industry. It also provides a kickstart for the participants and guide them to choose their career and help them take a regular full-length course




